Toned in 20 day 4!

Hey guys! Here's today's workout!  

Congrats to everyone who did yesterday's, I know it was a toughie! 


:45 on/:15 off x2

1. Side bends- elbows as straight as possible, pelvic tilt! Don't let your back arch!

2. Squats with arm raises- weight in your heels, core tight! Squeeze your gluts together at the top!

3. Jumping Jacks

4. 90 degree squat jumps- leave out the jump if your knees are bothering you! 

5. Push-ups (standard and modified examples provided)- make sure to maintain pelvic tilt! 

6. High plank knee to elbows- slow controlled movements to target your obliques!

7. Elbow plank hold- squeeze your gluts and maintain your pelvic tilt! Keep your shoulders directly over your elbows


8. Russian Twists - if your back feels strained, perform with your feet on the ground! The farther back you lean, the more challenging this exercise is.

Have fun :) 

Toned in 20, day 3!

Hey guys!! 

Wooo it's day 3!!  

Make sure you're stretching lots, and if you haven't been workkng out, take these workouts at your own pace (but push yourself)!  


Today I'm posting myself running through the workout! 

Today we are doing 4 super sets of 10/20

burpees x10, squats x20

Push-ups x10, towel knee tucks x20

Half Turkish get-upss x10 ea side, single leg bridges x20 ea side 

Body saws x10, chattarunga x20




Toned in 20! Day 2

Hey guys!! 

Awesome job to everyone that completed day 1!! 

Below is todays workout: we are following the same structure today, :45 on with :15 between exercises, two times through.

Tomorrow I will be uploading a live video doing the workout with you guys!  Sorry for the late post today, my flight back from the Isagenix conference in New Jersey was delayed!  Going forward all workouts will be posted by 8am :) 

DAY 2:


1&2: Reverse lunge to kick (right and then left): make sure you are keeping your weight on the front foot heel on the lunge, we want to target that booty and avoid knee injuries!

3. Side to side lunges: again, make sure you're keeping your weight on your heels, imagine you are sitting back in an imaginary chair!

4&5. Curtsies (right and then left):  again, you guessed it, weight in your front foot heel!  The first portion of this video is the basic curtsy, the second portion adds a hop for increased difficulty!

6&7. Storks (right and then left):  think about elongating your body rather than trying to lift toward the ceiling!  Keep your core tight, back flat, and weight in your heel!  Your upper body and your back leg work as counter balances, so think see-saw, they move together!

8&9. Windmills (right and then left): when your right arm is in the air, your right leg stays totally straight and your left foot is turned out!  Look up at your hand throughout the entire exercise, and focus on pushing your hips forward and squeezing your gluts at the top!

10. Corkscrews:  keep your low back pressed firmly to the ground, you can put your arms overhead and hold onto something stable.  Alternate twisting right and left for this workout.

Have fun, and remember, listen to your body!  If anything feels like it is hurting, don't go as deep into movements.  

Feel free to message me with any questions/concerns!! 

You're one step closer to that bangin' summer bod!

Toned in 20! Day 1

Hey guys! So excited for #tonedin20! Check our Facebook page every day for the next 20 days for a workout of the day!  

Post a selfie doing the exercises of the day each day to win a prize at the end! 

Each workout will be a little bit different, but they will all target your arms, abs, butt, and legs to get you bikini (or swim trunk) ready!



10 exercises.....

:45 per exercise/:15 break in between



1. Mountain Climbers!  

Focus on maintaining your tempo throughout the whole :45. Keep your core tight and keep your shoulders square over your hands. 

2. Plank with hip extensions

Focus on maintaining your pelvic tilt- so no sagging in your low back and no arching when you lift your leg!  This exercise is meant to work your booty and your core! 

3. Squats

Focus on keeping your weight on your heels, chest up tall, tight core!

4. Sumo Squats

Wide stance, toes turned out, chest up tall, shoulders back, tight core: working your inner thighs and booty!

5. Reverse sit-ups

Slowly lower yourself back into a reverse sit-up until you feel like you're as far as you can pull yourself back up, keeping your elbows wide! *for more support, have a partner hold your feet!

6. Bicycle Crunches

Keep your elbows wide and chin up so you don't pull on your neck!

7.  Ab Wipers

Maintain your pelvic tilt, slowly lower your legs to either side, pausing in the middle *to increase difficulty, perform with straight legs

8.  Thrusters 

REALLY focus on making sure your back doesn't sag on the jump out, keep your core tight, and shoulders over your hands!

9. Hydrant Kicks


10. Glute pulses

Make sure your hands are shoulder width, and focusing on glute contraction NOT using your low back :)

Run your fastest mile with these 4 exercises!

The obvious solution to running faster is to run often and push yourself, but we can also improve our top end speed and endurance by including these exercises into your training program.


Running up and down a hill can do many things to improve your running ability. Anaerobic repeats of 10-90 seconds with ample rest time to duplicate the same effort every time will increase your explosive ability and top end speed. Longer work intervals, like a 1/8 to a 1/4 mile with a 1:1 or 1:2 work to rest ratio will improve muscular endurance and lactate threshold. 


These are much like lunges but allow the gluteal muscles to be isolated much more than lunges tend to offer. Also, the unilateral nature allows us to balance our bilateral strength which will reduce risk of injury. The eccentric contraction phase (landing) of a split squat will help build the connective tissues like tendons and bones, especially during dynamic variations. Check the video below for 4 variations of dynamic split jumps.


Climbers, while grueling to perform, they are an extremely efficient exercise to hit the entire body. Your core should be tight, supporting your lower back, while your hip flexors drive your knees to your chest. Shoulders should be directly over your hand allowing your serratus muscles to support your ribs. A combination of cardio, muscle endurance, and shoulder stability are all being worked on. 

PRO-TIP: The lighter you feet are to the ground the more core work and less quadricep(thigh) burn you should feel.


We have all read about the benefits of dead lifts as a "can't miss" strength exercise. For my runners I prescribe SL DeadLifts because they force your Glut Medius to stabilize the hip. Glut Medius is one of the most important muscles to work to avoid injury when increasing distance and speed. These can be performed with a barbell or a par of dumbbells. 


PRO-TIP: Be sure to keep the hips square. Don't allow the leg you're elevating behind you to open up your hip to the outside. This is most easily achieved by ensuring your core is tight and your pelvic tilt doesn't change through the motion.

How Much, How Often?

Most people aren't gluttons for punishment and prefer not to dedicate the necessary amount of time to create serious bodily changes. In fact, most people also want to do the bare minimum and yield the most results. Unfortunately for these types, that isn't how the body works. Our body's respond to stress. The more we apply the more it will adapt, but if we apply too much stress the body can fail. Over-usage injuries such as stress fractures and tendonitis are the most common, but major joint injuries can also occur due to too much progressive overload. So how much time should we dedicate to see solid results? That number you should aim for is 10 hours per week of fitness related activity. That's right, 10 hours! This may sound very unrealistic, but if we break it into days, we are looking at less than 1.5 hours per day. Here is how you can split up your fitness schedule to make that 600 minutes per week easily attainable.

1. Get your cardio in every day! Mix it up so that it doesn't become boring and redundant. Try something like an easy Fartlek workout on Monday, 15-20 minutes of Stair Climber on Tuesday, a 45 minute Spin Class on Wednesday, Track or Treadmill intervals for 30 minutes on Thursday, an easy jog or bike ride for 60 minutes on Friday, and a  hike or trail run on Saturday.

This should total about 3.5-5 hours of your fitness for the week. The more weight you are looking to lose, the more cardio you should be putting in. Also, adding cardio DOES NOT mean taking time off from your other fitness activities.

2. Make your resistance training short and sweet but also very intense. I suggest at least 3 "hard" workouts per week. Hard is obviously a relative term but and good indicator of a "hard" workout is at the end of 30-40 minutes you have only taken a total of 5 minutes of combined rest time. These fast-paced workouts will boost your metabolism while also increasing the bodies ability to recover.  Do your hard resistance workouts on days that are easier cardio days. You can also combine cardio and resistance into circuits to save time.

Interval workouts and Fartleks are great cardio workouts to mix resistance training and cut down on the amount of time spent in the gym.

3. The most common workout to skip is probably the most important to hit, our corrective exercises. We all make it to the gym for our favorite grueling HIIT class, but most people usually just squeeze a couple corrective exercises in at the end of their workout. While I would never say thats a bad thing, it is much less effective to do 2 exercises than it is to do 2 sessions of correctives. Allowing yourself to focus on what ever muscle imbalances you may have, or joints with a lack in range of motion helps prevent injury and will increase efficiency in the body mechanics.

4. Lastly, the therapeutic aspect of your fitness must be addressed, stretching and myofascial release. I have never told a single person that they foam roll too much. It doesn't matter where or when, but daily stretching and massage will help your body wake up easier. Stiffness and tightness can be mistaken for soreness and lead to skipping your daily fitness fix. 20 minutes per day is all you need. This can even be broke into two 10 minute sessions at the beginning and end of the day. If you really don't like to do it, ask your trainer if they offer stretching sessions. We saw a huge increase in the amount of activity our members were engaging in after the started signing up for 1-2 stretch sessions per week. We also saw a huge decline in the number of complaints about lower back pain, shoulder impingement syndrome, and knee soreness. 

By splitting up our fitness into daily goals we can manage our time better and get great results without risking injury or burn-out. Don't expect to hit 10 hours every week, but make it a goal. Some weeks you will do much more and some weeks you might come up a bit short, but sticking to this goal will create healthy habits. Good luck!